If you ever see a woman in Trans7 television broadcaster in the morning, you may be familiar with a name, ie Hayuningdyah Rahma. Well he now has become a presenter. Which certainly is a profession that is promising in a television industry. I still remember very well the first time he saw her face on the screen is when the flow of Lebaran reported yesterday. At that time I was quite shocked when I saw he was a reporter.
Has not lost her sense of kagumku on it now he has become a news presenter and sometimes I also never saw being a host at a tourist info (or something). I idly and then find himself through facebook and tried to add it.
Take long until my friend request is approved by him, probably because he's a busy man. In addition, I sent a facebook message to him and apparently he wrote back, well it was nice of a friend who had success as he apparently did not forget his theme. Until now, though very rare few times I've corresponded with him on facebook .. hehe
If he read my writing this later, hopefully she does not forget a name of "Radius". Radius is a group of us (me and rahma) when melakukakan KOMPAS journalism workshop at the Faculty of Letters PSBJ UNPAD, if not mistaken, that took place circa 2005. At that time during the four days we were engaged in journalism like a journalist. And at that moment Rahma's talents as a journalist is very visible.
Saai that when the workshop took place, the most serious incident was at the time of the last day of the deadline arrived where we should immediately resolve sebiah newspaper pages, which must be displayed. Last night we arrived before the deadline senua one group could not close my eyes because it's his job must be completed. With great effort eventually named the newspaper's RADIUS was completed. One thing is quite surprising as it was when it was announced who the winner of work by our group was considered very "surprise" turned out to get a pretty good assessment of arriving in second (although there is no champion 2nd) of the six participants. We were all shaking their heads at that time hehe ...
Now the following at the time the crew Radius

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