The Philadelphia Eagles have been saddened announce that former All-Pro defensively TOMs Brookshier died on Friday evening on the age of 78 after a fighting with cancer. Initially a 10th round design molars Colorado, Brookshier an immediate impact with eight determined draws off during its rookie season of 1953. Then, after two years lasting stint in the air Force, defending to the Eagles and two times All-Pro honour deserved - firstly in 1959, and again in 1960, as a member of the NFL championship team. In sum he brought seven seasons at the Eagles and collected 20 interceptions. At its farewell as a player, he came in the retransmission score on retransmissions of CBS NFL games. Brookshier, an inhabitant of Roswell, New Mexico, a member of the Eagles Honor Roll and is of the seven players in deduction from pension ous paym a history of its pullover number (no. 40) with pension has gone. Said Eagles head coach Andy Reid today after learning passing Brookshier' s, " TOMs Brookshier are of all-time the groten, both for what he did on the field and for the
type man he was outside the field. I will remind him always for its booming and clear individuality. He had a creepy love for living, a love for its family and a love for the game football, especially for the Philadelphia Eagles. He bled green and I will nourish always our conversations and the relation which we promoted during my office period in Philadelphia. Our deepest condolence assumes to its woman, Barbara, and the rest the Brookshier family. "
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